Sunday, 13 July 2008

Researching adverts

I found a book in the Library: Advertinsing by Frank Jefkins
The first chapter, I think contained the most importat information on
'Marketing communication'
"Has to do more than infor. It has to persuade...has to influence choice"

"advertising is the means of making known in order to sell"

'Value of simplicity'
An advertisement can be so clever that all that is remembered is the gimmick or perhaps a very interesting picture, not the advertiser, the product or the offer. One of the most brilliant advertising campaigns was based on the simple saying "Players Please" with it's double meaning... Cleaver, but not noticably so!"
So in hind sight I must make my adverts simple for them to have the gratest effect and increase the possibility of them being easily remembered.

'Changing attitudes'
"advertising...usually to change or influence attitudes"
"persuade people to buy product A instead of product B"
"including point of sale"
"people are prepared to pay higher prices for purer, healthyer or safer" products.
By having another product in an advert to compare to my own will enable me to give the impression that my product is far better

"Including action"
"not just concerned wth giving information. It must do it in such and original, characteristic and persuasive way that the consumer is urged to take action."
I figured then that by viewing other media text made previously I should get ideas but still make it my own by giving my adverts a particular uniqueness

"Communication barriers"
"If readers, listeners or viewers misunderstand the advertising message, the campaign is a waste of time and money."
"We know what we mean- but do other people? We must never assume that people know what we are talking about."
I learnt in through reading this part of the text that I will need someone to analyse/ View my work to see if they understand the message i am trying to put across before I send it off to be marked!

Adverts and their relationship with audience 

Advertising is an expression and part of an economic system. Each economic system has an interesting relationship with the social system, political system and cultural value. Whatever be the character of the economic system, there are three basic features which are common to all: 
a) determination of goods and services and the quantities to be produced or offered; 
b) allocation of resources according to priorities of production-mainly land, labor and capital; and 
c) distribution of goods and services among individuals and groups. We are not concerned here about the relative importance of state intervention and market determination of these three processes.
These three processes condition the development of every society. Advertising is a major component of each one of these three processes. If advertising is a process of mediation between the producer of goods and services and the consumer, to that extent it contributes to the development not merely of the economy but also of society

Friday, 11 July 2008

The Brief

My course work task outline is to: A series of 3 adverts for television (approximately 2 minutes in duration

"Why use advertising?"
  • "increase sales of a product or use of service"
  • "Improve firms 'corporate image': to persuade people that the company is benevolent and trustworthy."
  • "designed not to challenge bad images but to change people's perceptions of the company... by building the company as a brand"
  • "change people's behavior: anti-smoking, anti- drugs, and healthy eating campaigns 
I looked at this book for inspiration as to what my advert would be about. The second point appealed to me the most as persuasion is a key point to follow as if you aren't persuasive people are not going to by your product. 

Ways of seeing- John Berger

Quotes in "Ways of seeing" By John Berger 

"Within publicity, choices are offered between this cream and that cream, that car and this car, but publicity as a system only makes a single proposal...that we transform ourselves, or our lives, by buying something more"- Whatever audiences have already it is the publisist's job to persuade us to want more regardless of whether we actually need it or not. The competition between two similar companies with only secure customer's attention more

"Will make us in some way richer- even though we will be poorer by having spent our money" It is suggested by the publishers that we will be richer in buying a product; a contradiction which audience seem to ignore. When it is a companies main aim to thrive on the economy an eliminate their competition. 

"Visual messages cause a brief stimulation of the imagination, whether forgotten or not, by the way of memory or expectation"  this is backed up by Dominic Strinati's claim that "image is more important that the substance of text" therefore what ever product i choose to advertise if it is not remembered the first time it has been watched it will be recognized easily when seen again. Though most importantly an advert does not ever refer to the present, only mentioning the past and speaking of the future. Implying that the product will improve their future in some way.

"Publicity begins by working on natural appetite for pleasure" - often products are made just for the point of customers happiness rather than actual needs as institutions play on this fact by manipulating desires into their campaign

s for their product brand.

Heinz Beans

I have completed my Heinz Beans poster recently.
After learning to cope with all the layers. I was able to use the program relatively easily.
I made a rather simple poster with a heinz beans tin cut into a heart

For the Text I used capital letters for it to stand out and used another layer to give it a shadow and a little more character.

I also painted on a boarder to give it more colour.