Part One
After choosing to go into advertising I began to research advertising (See post "Researching Adverts" 13th July 2008) Having scanned through John Berger's 'Ways of Seeing', 'Advertising' by Frank Jefkins and 'Creative Advertising' by Mario Pricken I was able to distinguish the codes and conventions of an advert (See post Tuesday 30 September 2008) from this i learnt a number of ways in which an advert can target it's audience in different ways (Also see post 13th July 2008) I did find though that different types of advertisements had particular conventions of their own therefore I had to specify my search further once I had decided on a product.
I then began brainstorming my ideas. It wasn't until I decided to advertise an opticians and came up with the brand name and a logo for "Looking Glass Opticians" (See post 5th October 2008) that advertising ideas were realized. I was then that I needed to begin finding out the conventions for an opticians advertisement. (October 8th 2008) I originally chose to go with the basic conventions of having CU's and mid shots as well as having a male and female to ad romance to my adverts. I did not keep to mainly having diegetic sounds however having chosen to revolve one of my adverts round a story book.
I had to research my target audience (See Post 15th October 2008) Finding out that I had such a wide target audience I was not limited in what messages or ideologies I had to put across. However, through this I learned that it would be grown adults that would pay the most attention to my adverts.
Having started off on my own, it was my responsibility and my role to originally come up with an idea, research and make story boards, e.c.t. Once my partner joined my group we then shared the roles and responsibilities. Having bought the mac I was generally doing most of the editing, as my partner was sometimes unavailable and not particularly confident when using the mac anyway. When filming however we generally worked together and ideas were always seconded by each other. It was also my role to find actors, props and settings and to have the right equipment at the right time, them being; camera, tripod, green screen, batteries e.c.t.
I further researched audiences relationship with advertisements as well as the ways in which I could advertise my product.(see post Sunday, 13th July 2008)
I then analyzed similar company’s advertisements and the way they advertised their products- (see post "changed idea" 8th October 2008) I then decided to connect my three adverts by having two characters in each who are both "looking" for something.
To make the adverts original I revolved the three of them individually around a particular genre. I therefore had to research into the particular genres I wished to use. Originally deciding to use comedy, romance and mystery (post same as before) I aimed to specifically have one male and one female in each advert to again show consistency. It was then my responsibility to begin story boarding my ideas. ( see post), although they did eventually change over time mainly because of issues with the settings or lighting.particularly with the romance and mystery adverts. Changes ultimately needed to be made however; it was not guaranteed that new actors would be available. Consequently, I had to use two males in advert 1. (see post 18th February Filmed Ad 1)
Since partnering up with Erica (see post 28th January 2009) many changes have been made and the final outcome was quite different to what we had in mind form the beginning although, the advertising of opticians always stayed the same.
Another aspect that I needed to work on was to be more organized with the actors that I used. To ensure they can film with me when it is best for both actors and directors. From this I learnt that from being more organised I could potentially have more time to film by having equipment ready before I even began filming. This is also what influenced me to change decisions in the past because I had not thought about availability of actors, props and settings properly so it therefore encouraged me to be more realistic.
A further problem that was eventually dealt with, was that there was no way I could edit what I had filmed with Erica outside of school (see post 8th March 2009) which prevented us from progressing in any way. After purchasing a mac however we advanced steadily.
Having made so many mistakes with lighting (see post 24th February 2009) , I have learnt that I need to asses the best time to film in the settings I choose by going there at different times of the day with the camera and reviewing when the best source of light for the affect I want in each advert. To check this I would put each test of light on to my mac.
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