Wednesday, 28 January 2009

New Storyboard Ad 3

Editing and comments

Taking into consideration the advert I was looking at (21st Jan) Erica and I figured there were a great many close ups that we hadn't recognized being so prominent before. In effect, advertisers clearly have the intention of showing the glasses often and ensuring they are as noticeable as possible.
We have both therefore learnt that to illustrate clearly what we are advertising; we must use more close ups of the product.
Another point that has been made by my teacher, is that there are far too many long shots for the filming we have done for it to be a fast paced advert. Although, Erica did notice the fact that the shots in the advert (21st Jan) are never one full length; part each shot had been cut out to enhance the urgency and pace of the actors. As a result I attempted to do this with the footage we recently filmed. It turned out to be quite effective in fact.


(We filmed this 27th Jan) Edited 28th and 29th

This is just a short clip of what we've done so far; after realizing that the lighting would have to be far more natural for this advert to work to the right standard. 
As talked about on (28th) We took into consideration that we could use long shots if we used jump cuts of the same shot, shortening them and effectively making the editing faster. 

After deciding on a different setting..

Erica and I were able to film to a good standard in this advert however having restricted time to do it in we did not get enough filming done and will potentially need to re- film completely when time is not restricted or have the same actors in the same place once more but without the time restrictions. 

New Partner! And a possible Setting of Ad 3

Another student in my class, Erica was having a little trouble with her course work. Feeling thoughtful, I weighed up whether it would be an advantage to me, as it was to her, to commence my coursework process with a partner. I figured that two minds are quite simply better than one, It will enable us to see things from another persons perspective, and if we get a good grade both of us would have effectively benifited from each other.

Once this decision was made I informed her of the product I was advertising and presented her with my story board, logo and new idea we both got to work instantly. We decided it would be wise to take some pictures of the setting of ad3 and here they are....

Apart from being quite lovely pictures I figured that this wood was a little too dence to be the right setting as we need a little more of an eerie setting as the light was also far too bright.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

*Bing!* An idea!, Oh, and a story board

On asking the question to a friend where could a coulple be 'looking' for each other i answered nearly instantly myself; In the woods!
So I will hopefully have some actors ready for monday and will be filming in the woods near school, I'll go have a look if it is definately suitable tomorrow though as it would be a big problem if it isn't. So fingeres crossed!

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Not so quick thinking batman!

So exams have finished for now it's back to the course work time missy!

As my optician's name is Looking Glass Opticians and I have it in my head that the voice over will say "Find what you're looking for at Looking Glass opticians" there is only really one advert of mine that fully portrays this message and that advert is ad 1; that I am still yet to do! I figured that the advert that I am going to have to story board again will be better off with characters that have glasses on but are looking for each other... Now to think of a setting......

Wondering where i got this new insperation and knowledge?
From a advert i've watched about 10 times before!

Title of Ad: Specsavers Two for one

Company: Specsavers

Product: Glasses 

Textual Analysis

-Whole advert is fast paced 

- Many different distances of shot however CU/MID are most prominent  

-There a couple of jump shot transitions and the use of tracking movements of the male emphasize the pace of the advert.

-The lighting ambient to create an atmospheric setting.

-The two different perspectives of the characters signifies the number of glasses in the Specsavers offer.

-The different atmospheres connote the different designs Specsavers have to offer in their store.

-Sound track is fast paced with no lyrics again adding to the speed of the advert

Key Concepts

-The advert is targeted at adults, or rather partners that both possibly need glasses as the protagonists of the advert are a  relatively young couple. 

-Furthermore the advert is also targeted at partners regardless of what their age.

-The representation the happy couple of the end implies the people it is aimed at will also be happy once they have bought their glasses.

-The ideology of this advert is that partners should stick together whether they are in a crisis or buying spectacles 

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Future plans

Find person to do voice over for each ad
Find music for each ad.

Film Ad one again, using HD camera (It'll be far better in high quality)
Film and edit the rest of ad 2 I also thought about using split screen

I think I may change story board for ad 3, also get new characters maybe base it on a different genre.

Reasons for last point; I'd like the actors to be more accessable, And the story i am trying to portay it quite hard any way.

Monday, 5 January 2009

Shooting schedual....

November 16th Ad 3 Filming
November 17th Ad 3 Editing
November 23rd Ad 1 Filming
November 24th Ad 1 Editing
December 1st Ad 3 Filming
December 2nd Ad 3 Editing
December 3rd Ad 3 Editing
December 7th Ad 2 Filming
December 8th Ad 2 Editing
December 9th Ad 2 Editing